Amanda Bynes Says Her Crazy Is All An Act

Hollywood publicist Jonathan Jaxson, who likes to insert himself in every story (and he also called the police on Bynes because he was "concerned" has posted screenshots of alleged text messages between himself and Amanda Bynes where she claims her descent into mental illness is all just an act. Daily Mail reports:

She's had a very public meltdown, complete with head-shaving and an arrest. But now it seems Amanda Bynes is claiming the whole thing was a desperate publicity stunt. On Thursday night she apparently sent a series of text messages to her friend Jonathan Jaxson – who promptly posted them on his Twitter account. In them she appears to admit her increasingly strange behaviour was nothing more than a childish ploy to increase her fame and gain more Twitter followers in advance of a movie role.

I know it's hard to believe that a woman would be desperate for attention then carry out a diabolical plan to get it, but if this is true, not only shouldn't we surprised, we should have expected it. Mostly because nothing should surprise any of us anymore. If tomorrow we learn thatJennifer Love's Hewitt fiance is a hologram that she created in a lab with all her The Ghost Whisperer money, we should all go "yep" then keep on scrolling.


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