Bradley Cooper Is Playing The Navy SEAL Who Got Shot

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Bradley Cooper loves a man in uniform. Page Six reports:

Bradley Cooper will star in a movie about former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, who was shot and killed last week by a mentally ill Iraq war veteran. Cooper, an advocate for mental-health issues after starring in “Silver Linings Playbook,” will also produce the movie about the US military’s deadliest sniper. Kyle was killed at a shooting range in Texas, allegedly by Eddie Ray Routh, who’s been charged with murder. Kyle and a friend, who was also slain, had taken Routh to the range to help him cope with PTSD. Cooper’s production company last year bought the rights to Kyle’s book, “American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in US Military History,”

This is Hollywood, so it will probably be some heavy-handed movie about how guns are evil, but in the movie’s defense, going to a gun range with a dude with PTSD is way down on my list of things to do. I mean, way down. See? I’m flipping pages. Still not seeing it yet.

Photo credit = Getty