Frank Ocean And Chris Brown Got In A Fight

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Color Bruise. TMZ reports:

Chris Brown was involved in an all-out brawl with Frank Ocean Sunday night, and sources connected with Chris insist Ocean started it. Chris was at Westlake Studio in the L.A. area listening to one of the artists he represents. The sources say as Chris went to leave, Frank Ocean and his crew blocked Chris from leaving. The sources say Frank said, “This is my studio, this is my parking spot.” We’re told Chris went to shake Frank’s hand … and that’s when one of Frank’s people attacked Chris. Sources connected with Chris say one of Chris’ friends jumped in front and hit Frank’s friend. Sources connected with Chris say Frank then came at Chris … Chris pushed him away and they started brawling. The police were called and are on scene now.

UPDATE: 5:20 AM PT: After the incident, Ocean tweeted “got jumped by chris and a couple guys. lol. i only wish everest [his dog] was there. cut my finger now I can’t play w two hands at the grammys.”

UPDATE 3:00 AM PT: Cops say they will continue to investigate and want to speak with Chris Brown. They refer to Ocean as “the victim” because he’s the one who stuck around and spoke with police. Ocean said the fight started over a parking space (how L.A.) and Brown punched him. There were 6 people involved in the fight.

UPDATE 10:45 PM PT: Police have cleared the scene. We’re told Chris Brown was not there when officers arrived — but they did speak to Frank Ocean. At this point … we’re told no one wants to press charges, and no arrests have been made

So a guy who beats women because of his self-loathing due to his repressed homosexuality got into a fight with a homosexual who writes crappy songs about dudes because of a parking spot? Sounds like a queen fight to me. The only way this could be gayer is if they pulled each other’s weaves and Frank Ocean took his nails off first.

This is my favorite Frank Ocean song, btw:

Photo credit = Getty Images


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