Adele is Pregnant

Not that you will be able to tell until she’s in her ninth month, but Adele is with child.

RadarOnline reports:

British songstress Adele announced on Friday that she is pregnant.

“I’m delighted to announce that Simon and I are expecting our first child together,” Adele wrote on her blog. “I wanted you to hear the news direct from me, obviously we’re over the moon and very excited but please respect our privacy at this precious time. Yours always, Adele xx.” Adele and boyfriend Simon Konecki have been together for nearly a year.

It’s a good thing her announcement was overshadowed by the TomKat divorce or today all the speculation would be about how monumentally stupid this is. Adele’s first love was a bisexual who left her for a man, inspiring her first album. Then she got dumped badly again, which considering all the money she made off her second album was probably worth it. Now she’s knocked up by a guy who may or may not be divorced from his first wife. She claims he is, but the British tabloids haven’t been able to find any evidence of that, and these are the same journalists who managed to tap the phones of both royalty and dead soldiers’ families. If there was a divorce filing somewhere they probably would have found it by now. So basically she’s a 24-year-old single woman who is knocked up by a guy she’s known less than a year who might still be married. I sense a record breaking third album coming up.