Rima Fakih Blew A Lot

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Remember how Miss USA got a DUI last weekend, then swore it was someone else? Right. About that. TMZ says:

2010 Miss USA Rima Fakih was HAMMERED when cops arrested her for DUI this weekend … this according to Michigan police. According to the police report, obtained by the AP, Fakih was initially stopped when officers noticed the 26-year-old speeding and weaving through traffic in Detroit early Saturday morning. Cops say Fakih “immediately identified herself as Miss USA.” According to the report, Fakih took a breathalyzer and blew more than TWICE the legal limit — once blowing a .19 and then a .20. The legal limit in MI is .08. Officers claim they also found a half-empty bottle of wine on the floorboard behind the driver’s seat. Fakih was arrested on suspicion of DUI. If convicted, Fakih could face some serious jail time.

Considering too many shots of Jameson make me lose feeling in my legs, I don’t understand how the hell anyone blows a .20 without paralyzing themselves, let alone having the nerve to drive. This skank is lucky she got pulled over before Miss Car Bomb became Miss Car Crash. At least she didn’t have naked pictures leaked or say she doesn’t think gays should get married, though. Then she’d have to go back to her day job.


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