Tracy Morgan Is Still Apologizing. At A Press Conference This Time.

After first apologizing for telling a joke during a standup act in Nashville, Tracy Morgan was in Nashville today where GLAAD had him firmly by the balls (figuratively, just fyi) Popeater reports:

Tracy Morgan returned to Nashville on Tuesday to deliver an apology to gay advocacy groups and fans offended by his homophobic comments made at a stand-up routine earlier this month. Sitting at a GLAAD-sponsored panel table with Kevin Rogers, the man who sparked the controversy with a Facebook post, the ’30 Rock’ star tried to make amends for among other things, saying that he would “stab” his son if he were gay. “I want to apologize to Kevin and people that were at the show for bummin’ em out,” Morgan began at the event held by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. “I want to apologize to my friends and my family and my fans and everyone in every community that were offended with this. I didn’t know. I didn’t mean it.”

Also, the queer who ratted him out on Facebook was also there. You can read this if you want, but it’s better if you listen to him talk in the video (oh haaaayy, gurl!).

“I was mainly just saddened by the words had to say that night because I had always assumed that Tracy was an ally to the LGBT community,” Rogers told the gathered press. “So in the weeks since then, and seeing what actions that Tracy has taken upon himself to go out into our community and try and make a difference. I had the opportunity to speak with Tracy prior to coming here and he shared his genuine concern with his words and has promised me that his actions going forward are going to be positive of my community.” He added, “I greatly appreciate what he said and that he came back to try to right what I believe was just a huge mistake.”

So, GLAAD gets to put up a purple backdrop and have cameras show up and now all is forgiven. Are we sure? I think Tracy would really learn his lesson if GLAAD chained him to a wagon wheel and whipped him in front of a bunch of gay kids. Then chase him with dogs and saw his feet off when he tried to run away. Then raped his wife in front of him. I think only then would Tracy ever know what it’s like to be a viciously persecuted homosexual in today’s society. Oh, wait. Sorry. I was confusing homosexuals with people who were actually persecuted, not people who threw a hissy fit and walked out of a comedy show because they got their feelings hurt.