Jon Hamm Used To Work In Porn

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Easy ladies. And gay dudes. E! Online (via Guardian) reports:

If only he was in front of the camera, though. See, Hamm worked as the set dresser on a soft porn flick in the late ’90s, shortly before he hit it big, as it were. “You gotta move cameras around, and ashtrays; and continuity is apparently an issue,” explained The Town star of his duties, which the out-of-work actor took on, he says, to make ends meet. Apparently, it was current girlfriend Jennifer Westfeldt who got him out of the skin biz and “totally” saved him. She called and offered him a part in a play, Lipschtick, she was doing in NYC. “I came in after another 12-hour day [on the porn film] to this message on my answer phone, and I was so exhausted and depressed and bone tired that I called her back immediately: ‘Yes! I don’t care what it is!’ I borrowed money for a ticket and lived in New York for six weeks on about $300, stayed on a friend’s couch, roller-bladed everywhere.”

True story: When I lived in Miami, by boss at IRS records asked if I wanted to be a videographer for an adult film company he was starting. But I decided to make my own porn instead. Here, look. Just fast forward it. Nope, not that fast! What? No that’s not me crying. Come on, you can’t even tell who that is in the Boba Fett mask! That could be anybody! Oh, just turn it off! Leave me alone!


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