Somebody Egged Dina Lohan’s House

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Sorry Batman and the guy who makes my iced coffee with magic at Starbucks, I have a new hero.

Someone clearly hates Dina Lohan, unborn chickens, mailboxes, or a combination thereof … because TMZ has learned Dina’s Long Island home has been Grade A vandalized. The Nassau County Police Department tells TMZ … the home was pelted with eggs and dirt bombs August 31 … and her mailbox was ripped out of the ground September 6. It’s unclear if the incidents are related. Lindsay Lohan’s mom tells us she has no clue who would do such a thing.

Man, who would do such a thing? It’s obvious that Dina Lohan is a loving, caring mother who isn’t a constant enabler and let’s the moral lessons she inculcated in her daughter speak for themselves. Although, another theory is that she’s a cunt and everybody hates her.

Pic source: TMZ. Obviously.