Elin Is Done

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It’s hard to imagine that your wife would beat you like a P.O.W. with one of your own clubs and want a divorce after you had sex with 20+ whores throughout your marriage then watching you going back to work like nothing ever happened, but Tiger Woods now must deal with this injustice and humiliation my friends. FOX Sports reports:

Just days after Woods completed his triumphant return to golf following his cheating scandal, U.S. news show Entertainment Tonight reports Nordegren, who failed to show at his Masters comeback, is close to filing for divorce. Correspondent Kevin Frazier, who has links to Woods, said: “For weeks now there have been rumors that Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren might reconcile and save their marriage. “It was believed by going to sex rehab that Tiger had done just enough to keep his family together. But sources have told me that the marriage is indeed over. “Evidence? Well, the fact that Elin was on a plane, in the air, headed to Arizona during the final round of the Masters. “Usually, with her husband in contention at his biggest tournament, she would be there waiting for him in case he won; instead she made a plan so that she would be in the air while Tiger was playing. “The couple hasn’t spoken for quite some time and it is believed that all they have to do is work out a few more details on their divorce and they can sign the divorce decree and both can move on with their lives.”

By all accounts, Elin was a loving and supportive wife, but Tiger couldn’t get over himself and his superficial insecurities to treasure that love. She always seemed to have Tiger’s back with whatever he was going through and was cheering the loudest for every one of his accomplishments. And that’s what pretty much every guy wants. And if she’s a Swedish model as well then that would be fantastic. And if she could have D’s that would be good, too. Oh, and if her vagina was lined with silk and honey, I’d appreciate it. And, not to be too needy, but if she help me avoid finance charges by offering some suggestions on debt consolidation, that would be cool. Learning how to make cheese grits should be on the list, too. Yeah, definitely. Cheese grits.

NOTE: Take a look at Elin in the banner pics, then look at Tiger’s parade of whores HERE. Then look at the banner pics again. Then look at the whore again. Elin. Whores. Tiger couldn’t find skanks that looked worse than his wife if he was volunteering at a soup kitchen.