Amy Winehouse Is Getting Me All Hot

It was reported that Amy Winehouse was rushed to the hospital for a cold the other day, but dear Christ that’s not what happened. 3am reports:

Mitch Winehouse has rubbished claims that his daughter Amy went to hospital the other day for a cold – revealing it was due to her new boobs going pop. Telegraphing the news on his Living TV show, Mitch said: “It wasn’t because she had a cold. She’s fine, she just had a little (pointing to his chest) leaky something or other.” A friend of Amy’s adds: “She saw something oozing out on to her top. She was worried as they looked wonky and to see stuff seeping out was horrible.”

This would normally be the part where I make fun of Amy Winehouse, but she’ll be dead soon, so considering the comments in the Chastity Bono post, there’s something I want to get off my chest. This is going to be hard, but so be it. I have to be honest with myself. As a child, I always played with Thundercats. My friends in school played with Thundercats, I related to Thundercats. I had a Thundercats lunchbox and a Lion-O claw. If a game broke out [with] Transformers against the Thundercats, I was always with the Thundercats. Being a feline superhero from another galaxy isn’t between your legs, but between your ears. I feel like I have lied to myself for far too long. It’s just a long process of being comfortable enough to do something about it. I realize people may not accept me as a Thundercat and I am fully prepared to deal with people’s ignorance and hate. But I will not let it stop me from being my true self. I have my family and the Sword of Omens. It gives me sight beyond sight!!