Will Smith Funded a Scientology School

Despite evidence which says otherwise, Will Smith has vehemently denied that he is a Scientologist. He’s right, because people who aren’t Scientologists donate $1 million of their own money to open a private school ran by Scientology all the time. FOX News reports:

The New Village Academy plans to use some teaching methods developed within the Church of Scientology and has hired a team of Scientologists to put them into action. Pinkett-Smith, who currently home-schools the couple’s two children, has long been talking about opening up a school where Jaden, 9, and Willow, 7, can continue to receive an education in line with their beliefs, friends told FOXNews.com. So she and her actor husband are bankrolling the pre-kindergarten through sixth grade school in Calabasas, Calif., and they have selected a group of Scientologists, including the Director of Learning, Director of Qualifications and Artistic Director, to create that atmosphere. But you won’t find references to the Church of Scientology on NVA’s Web site. Ron Reynolds, executive director of the California Association of Private School Organizations, a consortium of the state’s private and religious schools, said it’s not the actual teaching of Scientology methods that raises a red flag for him. His concern is the school’s non-disclosure about its apparent religious affiliation. “School should be forthright about its purposes. And if it’s a religious school, I don’t see why it wouldn’t wish to announce its religious affiliation loud and clear,” Reynolds said.”

Man, I wonder why Scientology is being so secretive? What parent wouldn’t want their children to learn from lesson plans based on the teachings of an insane drug-addicted science fiction writer? Just tell the truth, it won’t hurt. I’ve never kissed a girl. See? That wasn’t so bad.

Will Smith and Charlize Theron at the MTV Movie Awards last night:


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