Jonathan Rhys Meyers Got Arrested

Jonathan Rhys Meyers showed up drunk at a Dublin airport yesterday and demanded to board a plane. Turns out that’s illegal. People reports:

Rhys Meyers, 30, was refused permission to board a London-bound flight when police confronted the actor twice after erratic, abusive behavior at an airport gate and at a desk of the British airline BMI, the Associated Press reports.”

In an interview with Details, Meyers had this to say:

I didn’t drink until I was 25, and I never drank every day, but when I did, it was bad. It would be a couple of days that just wouldn’t work out for me, waking up with a hangover. Drink doesn’t fit into the groove of where my life is going.”

Man, this Meyers guy seems pretty cool to hang out with. Maybe he can shave one eyebrow or let somebody teabag him on camera. You know, just to fully drive the point home that he holds his liquor like a JV cheerleader with a bottle of Boone’s Farm.