Nicole Kidman Was Pregnant

Nicole Kidman revealed that she suffered a miscarriage at the age of 23 early in her marriage to Tom Cruise. She says the experience was so traumatic that they decided to adopt instead of try again. She says:

From the minute Tom and I were married, I wanted to have babies. And we lost a baby early on, so that was really very traumatic. And that’s when it came that we would adopt Bella. There’s a complicated background to that, given that I never speak much about many things. One day maybe that story will be told.”

I can’t say that I’m disappointed to hear this news, because if my calculations are correct, this kid would be 17 now. Seventeen years with Tom Cruise. That’s more than enough time for the kid to have learned to pilot the intergalactic warship and to have pledged allegiance to the Dark Lord. In hindsight this was probably for the best, but as much as I hate to say it, this would have been a beautiful kid. A beauty expert who just interrupted me said, “Sure, it would’ve been beautiful, but not ‘Maggie Gyllenhaal beautiful.’ Let’s not get carried away here.”

The Golden Compass press stills:
