Madonna Might Have to Give the Kid Back

David Banda, the 23-month old African baby that Madonna “adopted” back in October, may be returning back to his village orphanage amidst allegations that Madonna bribed the Malawian government’s director of Child Welfare Services, Penstone Kilembe. Daily Mail reports:

According to a newspaper report in Malawi, the Minister of Women and Child Development, Kate Kainja, accused him of obtaining an air ticket to London and money from Madonna herself without his government’s approval. The minister refused to allow Mr Kilembe to travel to assess the case, accusing him of “personalising” the matter. She suggested that by accepting funding from Madonna he had compromised his neutrality. “We have already contacted Madonna that someone else and not Kilembe will come to assess her, because we feel Mr Kilembe personalized the whole issue when other people can go,” the Minister told the Malawi News. The revelation is likely to prove hugely embarrassing to the 48-year old singer and could halt the adoption process altogether. Last night Mr. Kilembe confirmed that he had been banned from making the trip, but denied that he personally asked the American star for a plane ticket. He claimed that the decision to exclude him from the final decision on whether or not Madonna is allowed to keep David may result in the child being sent back to Malawi. “What this means is that the whole adoption process may crumble and David is sent back to his village,” he said.”

Wow. Madonna has a little explaining to do, because I thought buying black people was frowned upon nowadays. I’m not calling Madonna racist, but this doesn’t look good. The only way this could get any worse is if this kid shows up at his orphanage in nothing but a pair of cutoff overalls and a straw hat.