Antonella “Blowjob” Barba


February 28, 2007 Update
: Antonella Barba Gets to Stay!


Well, even though she sucked, America voted to keep Antonella Barba on American Idol, so she’ll be around a little longer. Now she sucks twice as much.

We received an email this morning from someone who prefers to remain anonymous:

Here are two pictures of Antonella Barba giving someone a blow job. These are real — I know the guy in the picture. Notice her nose, eyebrows and teeth — you can confirm it’s her by comparing facial feature details to other known pictures.”

I didn’t think it could get much better than pictures of her on the toilet and hanging out topless and underage drinking, but I guess I was wrong. People sure don’t seem to care whether or not she can sing. They just vote for her anyway. Next week she could walk out on stage, deep throat her microphone, take a bow and walk off without letting the judges say a word, and she’d still get a standing ovation.

For legal reasons I had to blur out the guy’s johnson, but you get the idea. Larger versions are still NSFW:

Thanks very much to the reader who sent these in, and continuing to support our smut.

Thanks to joejoe for reminding me she still has nothing on Kelly Clarkson:

Update: “hondaman” just sent us this side-by-side of Antonella to address all the “that’s not her” comments. Thanks, “hondaman.”

Update: Now with nipples (NSFW) (Thanks to another “anonymous”):

Update: Via email:

Hey, don’t mention my name but my boyfriend goes to catholic university with antonella barba and is on the lax team with her ex boyfriend ( who she dumped right when she got to hollywood) and when i saw these pics i called him and asked him if they were real and he said they def were… he saw them in person before and he also saw a naked calender that she made for him as a birthday present… which he said is getting leaked on the internet soon.”

Thanks again to Attention Deficit Dave, Brian Black and Lemmy the Gopher from Xtreme Disorder for having me on their show, this time to discuss kickstands and Catholicism, and for letting me blow them (again). If you’re in the Las Vegas area, you can catch their show on X 107.5, Mon-Fri, 3-7 pm.

Update: And yet another one via email. Thanks, Ian!

They just keep coming. (NSFW):

Update: Here’s another “proof” study sent to us via email. Thanks, Kris!

Update: Via email. Thanks again to hondaman!

Update: Via email. Thanks very much to David!

Update: “The American Idol CSI Team” sent us this:

Update: Vote For The Worst is reporting that the alleged “blowjob” photos might be someone else who looks like Antonella Barba and links to a very NSFW amateur porn site for more photos. Vote For The Worst is pretty funny. Their goal every year is to get the worst contestants the most votes (which doesn’t make American Idol producers very happy). So if you want the sluttiest and least talented contestant to win, then help them by casting your votes for Antonella Barba!

Tags: Antonella Barba, American Idol, blowjob, nude, naked, sex



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