I want to be the link with the most click

  • Courtney Loves Lace and the Ladies’ Bathroom [Hollywood Rag]
  • Kate Moss is helping Colin Farrell stay sober [A Socialite’s Life]
  • Valentines for the self-absorbed [City Rag]
  • Get ready to snooze. It’s the Grammys [Hollywood Tuna]
  • Madonna’s Sorry music video [Just Jared]
  • Kate Moss in Miami [Popsugar]
  • Janet Jackson is fat, but she’s exercising [Egotastic]
  • Gwyneth Paltrow sticks her foot in her mouth again [Celeb News Wire]
  • SNL: America’s Next Top Model (video) [Smit Happens]
  • Michelob’s “Touch Football” Super Bowl commercial (video) [College Humor]
  • Matthew McConaughey on Oprah (video) [Best Week Ever]
  • “‘Lazy Saturday’ Night” (Saturday Night Live) [Pajiba]
  • If you live in NYC, don’t let these bars rip you off [BlogNYC]