Lenny Kravtiz needs a plumber

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Lenny Kravitz is one of the sexiest musicians alive. However, he is not scoring any points on my sexy-meter with yet another story about how he craps so enormously that he can plug the toilet at will and then just lets the poo-water flow like Niagra Falls. I have lived below my share (and probably your share too) of inconsiderate jackasses, but even they would turn off the water and throw down a few bath towels before the liquid stink worked its way through the floor and into my unit. The current lawsuit, as reported by the always juicy Smoking Gun was brought by the tenant two floors below. Hard to imagine, but Lenny’s superhuman crap can apparently translocate past the unit below him and appear wherever Lenny’s wicked mind desires.

Metrosexuals don’t usually do it for me, but there’s just something undeniably hot about Lenny. If I lived with him I might even be able to overlook what may turn out to be some sort of fetish. But I do draw the line at a “glass bottom boat”, Lenny. Even I have limits.