Friday the 13th: The Game is a Mess at Launch

Friday the 13th: The Game is a mess at launch with many players struggling to access its online component, while Xbox One owners are currently being forced to play the game without its obligatory day one patch.

The multiplayer horror game launched earlier this week, with players still reporting multiple critical issues that are preventing them from playing it. High player demand has caused the servers to struggle, and while this is a common issue for popular new releases, the pervasive errors and bugs that plague the game have led to many complaints from its players and Kickstarter backers.

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Xbox One owners in particular have drawn the short straw, with the game seemingly running without its day one patch on the console. According to a comment reportedly made on the game’s Discord servers by one of its developers (via Reddit): “XB1 is missing the day one patch. we’re working with [Microsoft] to resolve. Likely not patching until Tuesday because it’s a holiday weekend.” The absence of this patch has caused the game to launch without key improvements on the Xbox One, creating even more problems than those experienced on its PS4 and PC equivalents.

Other issues include players facing a recurring database login failure error that prevents them from joining an online match, matchmaking problems that have reportedly seen some players waiting for hours to join a game, and being unable to level up due to players’ XP bars not increasing. The Friday the 13th: The Game Kickstarter page has a list of known launch issues that developers Gun Media are working on, such as Steam matchmaking issues and issues with game codes/DLC, but the sheer amount of problems with the game has caused many to brand it as one of the worst game launches in recent years.

The game’s Steam page lists it as having mixed reviews, though it is littered with comments bemoaning its poor launch. Its Kickstarter page is filled with similar criticisms from its backers, with many complaining that it has been launched in an unfinished state, and while Gun Media have stated that they’re working on making crucial improvements, there’s a lot to fix to bring it up to scratch. These fixes will also need to be made on top of the dedicated single player component Gun Media are working on, meaning that Jason Voorhees fans could be waiting a while before Friday the 13th: The Game is in full working order.