A Brain Freeze Contest Is All Fun And Games Until Somebody Passes Out And Paramedics Are Needed

If you’ve ever eaten your bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream too fast or went to town on that McDonald’s Shamrock Shake a little too quickly, then odds are you’ve suffered through what is frequently referred to as a “brain freeze.”

So unless the prize waiting for me at the end of a brain freeze contest is two nights in the presidential suite with Charlotte McKinney, odds are you’re going to ask me to participate, and I’m going to tell you to go fuck yourself. Those things hurt, man.

Well, a DJ at a water park actually found four contestants who were willing to participate in the challenge by choice. I mean, at least we think none of them went through with it because it was part of their probation.

The prize for whoever could down their frozen sugar drink the fastest? You guessed it: an express pass valued at 50 bucks. The prize for one woman whose body couldn’t process the temperature change fast enough? You guessed it: a face first dive into the table.

A Brain Freeze Contest Is All Fun And Games Until Somebody Passes Out And Paramedics Are Needed

Shoutout to the dude on the opposite end who used the poor lady’s misfortune to his advantage and finished his drink first. Hey, 50 bucks is 50 bucks, man.

h/t Barstool Sports

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