10 More Secret Connections In Disney’s Pixar Universe That Even The Most Hardcore Fan Didn’t Notice

Photo: YouTube

A little while ago Disney shared a video on their Toy Story Facebook that showed how all the Pixar films are connected, and boy did that shake things up for us. But now it looks like the lovely folks a Screen Rant have decided to dive even deeper into the Pixar universe to find other secret connections. And these connections may have even flown over the head of the most hardcore fans.

So while there are a bunch of things you probably didn’t know about Disneyland, I think it’s time you reel in some fun secret connections within the Pixar universe. From a connection between Ratatouille and The Incredibles to Toy Story and Monsters Inc., there are plenty of connections here you might have missed.

Check out the video below.

10 More Secret Connections In Disney’s Pixar Universe That Even The Most Hardcore Fan Didn’t Notice

Disney sure has a way to continue to blow our minds. And since there are plenty of Disney films down the pipeline, you can bet your ass that they will continue to pepper these films with more and more connections, so that we adults can continue to watch them like the kids that refuse to grow up.

h/t The Hook Mag

Important stuff here: Ever Wondered What Disney Princesses Would Look Like As Potatoes?