2016 Gift Guide | The Best DVD & Blu-ray Box Sets for TV Fans

One of the greatest things about the holiday season is that it can finally give TV lovers a chance to relax and catch up on some of their favorite shows that they may have missed throughout the year. We live in the era of “Peak TV,” which means that it’s incredibly difficult to keep up with every series on television. That’s why we’re so eager to binge some of the more recent shows as well as a few TV classics.

Now, if you have Hulu, Netflix, or even Amazon Prime, you may question the need to keep buying DVDs and Blu-rays. And while it’s true that streaming services can be less expensive than many of these box sets, your favorite shows could also be pulled at any time that the streaming rights expire. When you have a DVD or a Blu-ray set, it’s yours to binge whenever you like. Personally, I’m still trying to find five extra days so I can watch every episode of The Wire again.

Related: The 2016 Movie Gift Guide | 10 Exciting Presents for Film Lovers

Admittedly, we’re also kind of taken by the more elaborate box set designs, and the temptation to upgrade to Blu-ray was just too impossible to resist for a few of these shows. The good news is that DVDs are still an option, if you don’t feel like committing to Blu-Ray. And this month also happens to be a great time to pick up these sets for a considerably reduced price compared to the rest of the year.

As with any list, this is a subjective selection of shows that we feel represent the best the medium has to offer in this holiday season. Your opinions may differ, but that’s fine! If you feel that we’ve left off a show that belongs on this list, feel free to let us know in the comment section below! We’re always looking for the next great TV show to binge, so we’ll take your recomendations to heart.

2016 TV Gift Guide | The Best DVD & Blu-ray Sets for TV Fans

Editor’s Note: All items subject to availability, all prices subject to change.

Header Photo Credit: BBC