Nothing To See Here Other Than A Few Hundred Honey Bees Stinging A Fishing Spider To Death

God save the queen!

Did you hear the one about the dude who had his penis bitten twice by a spider? How about the one about the massive spider eating a mouse? Yes? I bet you haven’t heard the one that features a rather large and terrifying fishing spider who happened upon a hive that was home to several hundred honey bees and decided to attack it anyway.

Yeah, he’s dead. Check out the creepy and terrifying video below.

Nothing To See Here Other Than A Few Hundred Honey Bees Stinging A Fishing Spider To Death

And you thought your Monday sucked balls.

Of course hindsight is 20/20, but you have to think the spider would still be spinning webs and chowing down on bugs if it would have been just a tad smarter. I mean for starters, the damn thing was outnumbered roughly 300 to one, so perhaps dropping a “Good day, sir” and then making his way to the other side of the deck and picking a fight with two or three ants would have been the way to go.

In a related story, it looks as though honey bees are making one hell of a comeback. I mean, wasn’t it just a few years ago when people were losing their shit that they were on the verge of extinction? And now look at them, taking down a spider bigger than Lexington Steele’s manhood. Welcome back, fellas.

Taking a peek at this bite from a false widow spider is a great way to wreck your lunch: False Widow Spider Bite Leaves Absolutely Disgusting Hole In Guy’s Leg