RageBall: Best New Made-Up Sport?

RageBall. It may be the best new, made-up sport we’ve seen in awhile.

Yes, it sounds like something made up in the back of a frat house in San Diego (and probably was). But apparently, based on the footage below and this very swell blog, it’s a real thing.

The RageBall people explain the sport as “Part Dodgeball. Part Baseball. Part Paintball.”

I’m sure it has nothing to do with this early Playstation game.

More details from the ‘offical’ blog below.

RageBall 5

Rageball is a new extreme sport that everyone fell in love with at spring breaks in Panama City Beach and South Padre back in 2007. General Motors was our sponsor but with the economic downturn we had to put the game on the back shelf and wait for the right time. The economy has finally turned and now we will start toward going national and then worldwide with the game.

The re-launch of the ‘sport’ was last week in Wichita where they got local frats and sororities to play for charity.

These sorority members from Wichita State looked like they had a grand ol’ time.

Beach sand in Wichita?? Not bad. Who is funding this?? I’m not complaining. I’m just jealous I haven’t been able to play.

Josh Helmuth is the editor of Crave Sports.


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