Check Out The Strangest Places People Have Found Pokémon In ‘Pokémon Go’

Everyone is going insane for “Pokémon Go,” as tons of idiots are running around hoping to snatch up as many Pokémon as they can. Hell, some people are even getting scolded at work for playing it. If “Pokémon Go” is the only thing you care about right now you might have noticed that these things (creatures?) have been popping up in the strangest and craziest places. Take a look at where some of these Pokémon have been spotted below:

That turtle looks a tad too giddy to be at a funeral.

h/t Pleated-Jeans

These Pokémon aren’t innocent: Pokémon Go Diglett Has Become The Unfortunate Mascot For The Pervy Side Of The Game