Poor Girl On ‘Hoverboard From Hell’ Crashes Into Wall

When they function correctly, electric hoverboards can be almost as much fun as throwing Tootsie Rolls at teenagers who are still trick-or-treating on Halloween. But the list of reasons not to own a hoverboard is getting longer with each passing week, as some kind of accident on one of these things seems to happen almost as often as Johnny Manziel cracks open a beer before noon.

Case in point, two sisters were recently playing on their hoverboards when one of them began spinning out of control. The girl on the “hoverboard from hell” begged her sister for help, but it was no use. The only thing bringing this ordeal to an end was the wall.

Hey, sometimes fun hurts. And look on the bright side. When the hoverboard smashed into the wall, at least it didn’t burst into flames and burn the house to the ground.

h/t The Huffington Post

​And here we have a dildo hoverboard because why the hell not? The Dildo Hoverboard Makes Your Commute To Work Pleasurable


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