PlayStation VR Costs More Than the Xbox One S

PlayStation VR was a focal point of Sony’s E3 2016 press conference, with the company announcing the device’s release date and price point. However, with the headset retailing for $399, this could present something of a problem given that it’s $100 above the $299 price revealed for Microsoft’s Xbox One S, an upcoming 4K console that may be a more attractive option for gamers.

Though $399 is hardly a high barrier for entry when you consider the $599 and $799 price points of the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive respectively, it could still lead to many instead opting to lay down their cash for the cheaper Xbox One S rather than the PSVR. Sony announced that 50 games will be available to play on PSVR before the end of the year, but when you compare that to the library of games offered by the Xbox One S, now rendered in an UHD resolution, many may instead opt to purchase Microsoft’s upcoming console.

With that being said, the PSVR still presents the most affordable option to jump on the non-mobile virtual reality bandwagon, so in that regard it may prove to be a popular gateway to VR for many who do not own a PC advanced enough to handle the likes of the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift. Sony used its E3 2016 press conference to unveil a number of new VR games, including Final Fantasy XV, Star Wars Battlefront: X-Wing VR Mission developed by EA DICE/Criterion and Batman Arkham VR. You can watch the trailer for the latter game below:



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