Myspace Is Trying To Shame You Back To Their Site

Myspace’s daring new tactic to win back users has again confirmed a somewhat depressing and at times alarming truth — once your photos are on the world wide web, they stay there forever.

Mashable reports, in a strategy to lure back users the social network is evoking both nostalgia and humiliation, by emailing former users old photos of themselves. “The good, the rad and the what were you thinking…” reads the email, which includes a link that takes users to their profile.

It’s a clever ploy from the site, who at its prime once boasted 300 million users. Even if the nostalgia doesn’t peak people’s interest, they’ll at least have to log back into the site to remove any not-so-flattering photos they had completely (or forcibly) forgotten about.

The formerly beloved site, which was overhauled, revamped and re-released in 2013, is partly owned by Justin Timberlake, who obtained part of the the company in 2011. It’s not known whether Mr Suit and Tie had any say in this strategy, but according to Mashable, Myspace still has 15 billion user photos in its database.

So prepare for those awkward memories to come rushing back. You just might be next.