Calvin Klein Gave Justin Bieber A Bigger Penis, Arms, Chest, Ego


Little fancy boy Justin Bieber modeled for Calvin Klein, but unlike Mark Wahlberg, the only thing that’s actually real in this picture is the underwear. Because, well, they shopped in biceps, pecs, quads, body hair, and a brand new dick. But his fans shouldn’t worry, his usual, tiny dick was still on set. (h/t Gawker)

he was basically a douche. He hit on [fellow model] Lara several times and she had to stop him, basically calling him out on being just a child.”

I’m really trying to understand why Justin Bieber is still a thing. I mean, I appreciate that Calvin Klein did what they had to do to make their underwear seem like their made for grown men, but if you wanna use Justin Bieber, they could just put me in footie pajamas and used the pics as is.