Russian Teen Gets To Live With Porn Star For A Month After Winning Odd Contest

The only way living in Russia for a month would actually be a good thing.

Ruslan Schedrin, a lucky 16-year-old, has just won a month living with porn star Ekaterina Makarova in a hotel in Moscow. You read that right; some kid is about to live with a porn star even though his mom is completely against it.

“I am absolutely against it. He has got exams, he is studying,” his mother, Vera, said. “What do you mean — a month with a porn star? This is not real at all, even a week is too much. They should give us 100,000 roubles instead, we’ll be happy with it.”

The teen, on the other hand, is ecstatic: “I saw her and I liked everything, she has got good sizes… and so on. I am looking forward to our meeting so much, everything is boiling inside me. I am happy so much.” I would be “happy so much,” too.

Under the rules of the competition, Ruslan can pass on the prize to his “official representative,” for example, his father. But his mom is obviously against that, too.

Ekaterina, who is thought to be in her 20s, agreed to be the prize months ago. The competition simply involved being the 100,000th visitor on a website selling virtual arms for computer games; a website I would be refreshing every 3 seconds.

Ekaterina believes 16 is a “good age to be independent.” And to answer the question you’re all thinking about the possibility of sex, Ekaterina said: “It is not supposed, but life is life. It is a usual thing when inexperienced boys are looking for more experienced girlfriends. I don’t know. At least we’ll be friends. I liked him in the photographs.”

Age of consent in Russia is 16, but an official database lists Ruslan as being 14. Regardless, Ruslan lives in Russia so he probably deserves this prize for, you know, living in Russia.

Via Daily Mail

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