Guy Falls Asleep At Work, Internet Steps Up And Brilliantly Photoshops Him

When you’re exhausted it can be difficult to stay awake anywhere, especially at work. But if you do happen to doze off hopefully you won’t end up being laughed at by the Internet like the guy below did.

A Reddit user thought it would be funny to post the picture his staff took of him falling asleep on his first day working an internship for a tech startup. But of course, like pictures posted on Reddit in the past, the Internet took a hold of it and Photoshopped it to hell.

“One of the associates noticed me sleeping,” he told The Huffington Post. “And it just went downhill from there!”

Here’s the original photo of this poor guy wishing he was in bed:

And here’s the Internet once again not disappointing:

And if you’re wondering, he actually still has his job. What a legend.

Kids enjoy robbing people of their sleep: Dad Balancing Baby Gets One Of The Most Hilarious Photoshop Treatments We’ve Seen