Guy Desperately Tries To Ask Out His Dog’s Trainer And Fails Miserably

Photo: Brand X Pictures (Getty)

You know that old saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again?” Well, the guy below probably shouldn’t have practiced that saying, because now he’s making everyone cringe. And why is that? Well, it’s because we can all read the texting exchange he had with his dog’s trainer below.

The dog trainer, Christy, seemed to have given Jonathan her number for any dog training related questions. But of course, since Jonathan is a guy and a complete idiot, he decided to try this instead.

Read this exchange below between Christy and Jonathan and try not to cringe too much.

Guy Desperately Tries To Ask Out His Dog’s Trainer And Fails Miserably

This dude almost cockblocked himself as bad as this dude.

Well, Sadie. It seems like you’re kind of a useless dog. You can’t even get her owner a date. Oh well, better luck next time.

Via Imgur

Or you can use emojis: Text Emojis You Have Grossly Misused in Your Phone Messages