Today’s Funny Photos 4-24-17

I’m sorry once again to have to be the one to tell you the bad news but today is Monday. Yes, I know. It’s a terrible feeling. But in case you were trying to live in your denial-filled bubble, I’m here to remind you that sooner or later that bubble will pop. Trust me, I know. So consider this news like pulling a bandaid off your skin very quickly. It’s better to just get it over with. Now I don’t know where I was going with all that, but it’s Monday and we have to suffer together. But hey, don’t you worry because with every new workday, comes a new batch of Funny Photos. And these are funny as all hell. I would know, I looked for them. That’s right, I’m working hard just for you. So take a deep breath, curse out your boss later, and enjoy these funnies.

And don’t forget to follow on Mandatory Twitter and Instagram, too.





And then there’s this other dog: Dog Escapes From Animal Hospital And The Video Is Pretty Awesome





But make sure to tell your friends that we have a lot more Funny Photos






We always have to end it on a classy note. And don’t forget to check out last Friday’s Funny Photos in case you missed them.