New Japan Pro-Wrestling NJPW President Harold Meij

NJPW Holds Secret TV Tapings, Former MLW Champion Debuts

New Japan Pro-Wrestling held a secret set of TV Tapings recently in Los Angeles, dubbed ‘Lion’s Break Collision’. PWInsider has confirmed that around 10 matches were recorded on a closed set.

All of the talent on the show was American and the show featured the official debut of former MLW Champion Tom Lawlor. Lawlor reportedly worked two matches, one against Rocky Romero and one against Alex Coughlin. Other featured superstars included Jeff Cobb, TJP, Rocky Romero, Clark Connors, Alex Coughlin, Karl Fredericks and Misterioso.

PWInsider also confirmed that Tyler Bateman vs. Brody King took place on the taping yesterday with that bout scheduled to air on a future episode of ROH TV.

It is unknown at this time when the content will be used or shown to fans. NJPW is scheduled to resume operations tomorrow in Japan, broadcasting the first matches of the 2020 New Japan Cup.

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