Morrissey Accused of Trying to Murder Owner of His Fan Site

We’re going to make a wild guess that this isn’t true, but apparently Morrissey attempted to hire a security guard to kill the owner of Morrissey fan-site

The accusation was made by Bradley Steyn, who has claimed that he was once hired by the singer after a stage invasion in San Jose. Steyn alleges that Morrissey went on to ask him if there was a way that fan-site owner David Tseng could “get hurt” with no one tracing the incident back to him. Steyn has now filed a lawsuit against Morrissey, which the singer has replied to via his other fan site True To You

The statement from Morrissey reads: “I cannot admit to actually “knowing” Bradley Steyn. Yes, I am aware that he is South African and that he lives in Los Angeles, and that he has “walked off” three Morrissey tours – which really is his own business, not mine. My personal involvement with him has been zero, and he has certainly never been Head Of Security on any Morrissey tour.

“I am aware of the false story he has placed on various news sites wherein he claims I asked him to “hurt” (kill?) David Tseng. Although Steyn’s story lends itself to its own ridicule, I feel I must say to those who have not yet worked it out, that the story is a vexatious lie.

“It is common knowledge that I dislike the SoLow site, and I am aware that all of the opinions posted on the site are controlled or written by David Tseng, and that David Tseng will give maximum and inexhaustive publicity to anything said in the negative about me. This is a general truth that most people accept about SoLow. It is nothing new, and I have long since learned to accept it.

“The very idea that I would ask a complete stranger (Bradley Steyn) to physically attack David Tseng surely cannot register with any sane person as being likely. As mildly irritating as David Tseng may be, he is not someone who troubles me enough to even bother with.

“The shabby truth of this drama is that Bradley Steyn has been trying to extract money from what he terms “the Morrissey tour”, and he has failed. He is now desperate, and this story is his latest escapade to gain someone’s attention. What he is telling the world is that, as a music venue security officer, anyone who works with him in the future should expect the same harassment and persecution as he is now – mysteriously – wielding my way. It is beyond belief, and it is shocking that someone who makes claims of professionalism would lower himself to this level.

“Please note that Bradley Steyn’s statement is now in the hands of the Los Angeles Police Department, and is subject to both criminal and civil action.”

Morrissey does indeed dislike, even going so far as to wear a t-shirt during a gig bearing the words “FUCK”. Still, we don’t think that he’d hire a contract killer to off Tseng, making this one of the most unlikely rumours in the music world we’ve heard for quite some time.

Tseng seemed adequately shook up by the whole ordeal, though, telling Yahoo: “I don’t have the resources that he does. I didn’t know I was in danger, but now that the word is out, it’s probably less likely, but I’m still going to be careful now.”