Bonnaroo Silent Disco Lineup Announced

The Bonnaroo Silent Disco is returning to the fields of Manchester, TN for another year of silly, sweaty fun – a dance party where all you need is a set of wireless headphones and an absence of self-consciousness! The fest just announced their run of DJs and artists to keep the bodies moving at ‘Roo.

If you’ve never seen a silent disco, it’s a weird experience to say the least. The entire attending crowd is rocking out to music you can’t hear (unless you’re wearing the same headphones), singing along at random in ways that feel a bit like you’re in a sweaty hipster insane asylum. 

Check out the full list of 2014 Silent Disco DJs below!

AM & Shawn Lee

Classixx (DJ Set)

DJ Logic

Flcn Fckr

Full Service


​Jake Funks

Jared Dietch

Jonathan Toubin 

Le Chev


Quickie Mart

Robert DeLong (DJ Set)

Solu Music

Tiki Disco