This Supercut Of People Dancing In ’90s Movies Will Make You Miss That Decade Even More

Photo: YouTube

I don’t care what anyone says, people would give anything to head back to the ’90s. And yes, I know we have a lot of cool things today we didn’t have back then, but man, the ’90s sure had some amazing and memorable things, including those awesome movies.

Movies like Clueless, Titanic , and Pulp Fiction are just some of the movies that really reeled in the ’90s audience, but one thing that those movies from that decade as well as other movies had in common is that they each featured some awesome dancing, and the video below reminds you of just that.

So if this dude doing the same dance routine with 100 different people, or this big dude in a speedo dancing to “Can’t Stop The Feeling,” didn’t put a smile on your face, this supercut of dancing in ’90s movies sure will. Take a look at the video below thanks to Robert Jones.

This Supercut Of People Dancing In ’90s Movies Will Make You Miss That Decade Even More

Anyone else want to head back to the ’90s and avoid 2016 all together? I sure do.

And be sure to check out this supercut: Get Ready To Cringe To Death In This Supercut Of The Most Painfully Awkward Moments In Movie History