Mexican Brewery Tricks Trump Supporters Into Buying Anti-Trump Shirts That Change In The Sun

Well folks, the final presidential debate is tonight (thank God), and soon we will be voting for the next president of the United States, and hell, it has been a long, tortuous nightmare. But there has been some highlights — like when we heard that Donald Trump’s Hollywood star was literally getting shit on. Or, speaking of shit, when we heard that an Ohio farmer used manure to spell out “Trump” on his land. You know, highlights. And we have another highlight for you before it’s too late.

The team that runs Cucapá, a craft brewery from Mexico City, went ahead and pulled off a fantastic prank on Trump supporters. The prank was simple: The team printed some t-shirts which feature a Pro-Trump message (‘I support Donald’) when the shirts are cool. But,when those sweaty rednecks get all hot, more graphics appear on them. And it’s not Pro-Trump at all. The new graphic is a message that mocks Trump (clown nose on Trump included). Check out the before and after below:

The Cucapá Brewery team flew staff to California with their prank shirts in hand and begin to sell them to clueless Trump supporters. Check out the perfect prank video below to see a bunch of Trump supporters buying them.

So when the sun hits the the shirt will change from “I Support Donald” to “If you read this, you’re Donald.”

And it gets better. All the money the team made from these shirts will go towards a beer party in Mexico City.

Viva Mexico!

h/t Bro Bible

Never forget: Mexican Immigrant Creates Donald Trump Butt Plug