Anna Kendrick Is Really Lonely, You Guys


Anna Kendrick says nobody hits on her and she doesn’t really understand why. She’s really pale, so not even the sun is giving her the D.

The comedienne told Elle Magazine that no one has hit on her since Up in the Air, “honest to God.”  We’re not quite sure why it matters, though, as Kendrick, 28, had a boyfriend up until last year! She and film director Edgar Wright, 40, dated for four years prior to splitting, so maybe that’s why no one was hitting on her this whole time? The actress also talks about the pros and cons of being an “ultra-late bloomer,” but really it’s mostly pros, in her opinion. “I’ve never felt like I’ve exactly traded on my looks,” she says. “My mom would say it was a blessing, because it means you never have to wonder if guys are only interested in you because you’ve got boobs.” The Pitch Perfect star adds, “Similarly, I think I’m lucky that I’ve never had a crisis about whether the only reason I’m successful is because I’m crazy hot. It’s not something that crosses my mind.”

Self-awareness is attractive, so I’d probably hit it. Especially when self-awareness is coupled with a nice rack and low self-esteem. I feel like those are two important qualities for a woman to have. Anybody know her snapchat name? I’m gonna need that to close.


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