
The Trannycat Dolls are making another new video [Hollywood Tuna]

Rumer Willis looked less ugly last night [Dlisted]

Charlie Sheen’s wife is in a bikini (NSFW ads) [Drunken Stepfather]

Cameron Diaz is hungry for junk and men [Hollywood Rag]

Gerard Butler and Katherine Heigl are on set [Popsugar]

Jason Mraz is a shirtless bikini boy [Just Jared]

Nightmare on Clay Aiken street [City Rag]

Alanis Morissette isn’t bitter [ASL]

In case you missed it: Petra Nemcova’s sideboob (NSFW site) [Taxi Driver Movie]

Sienna Miller gets dumped [Egotastic]

Alessandra Ambrosio has a baby shower [Popoholic]

Stephen Colbert graduation speech [College Humor]

Tuchas Lingus (Sex and the City) [Pajiba]

Famous people at the 7th Annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball on June 2nd:

Pictured: Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Brett Ratner, Brooke Mueller, Charlie Sheen, Jason Bateman, Jason Goldburg, and Soleil Moon Frye

Photos: Splash