It’s Baffling To See How Much This Bodybuilder Looks Like Jennifer Lopez

Photo: Instagram/Janice Garay

We love our lookalikes, and that’s why we’ve mentioned quite a few over the years — from a Taylor Swift lookalike from Kansas to a Ariana Grande lookalike from Virginia, we sure are reminded that there are regular people out there that just happen to look like big stars. And we can another name to that list: Janice Garay, a bodybuilder who just happens to look like Jennifer Lopez.

The 28-year-old Houston, Texas woman has shocked the internet with just how much she looks like Jenny from the block — so much so that Garay is now embracing it. And why wouldn’t she?

Garay has reeled in 135k followers on Instagram — mainly followers that are checking in to see what J Lo’s doppelgänger is up to. Garay herself even said this on Instagram: “So what you guys are telling me is that everybody has a twin and @jlo happens to be mine??? I’ll take it!”

Of course she “will take it,” it’s increased her social media following and given her a few minutes of fame. It also doesn’t hurt to be compared to a woman with the best butt in the biz.

Garay has even added “the girl who is breaking the internet” to her Instagram bio. Hey, if you’re getting a few minutes of fame you better take advantage of it. Let’s check out just how much Garay looks like Lopez thanks to her Instagram.

h/t The Sun

And here’s another: It’s Insane How Much This Australian Girl Looks Like Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn