Here’s Another Lucky Photographer Whose Job Is To Take Photos Of Naked Women

Photo:Instagram/Jurij Treskow

Remember when we mentioned photographer Gregorio Campos? Campos is a photographer who gets paid for taking naked photos of women in bed. And that by far is one of the best jobs anyone can have. But Campos isn’t the only photographer doing this, not at all. We also have to mention Belarusian artist Jurij Treskow.

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It all kicked off for Treskow when he was still a student, and his friend’s cousin, who happened to be a model, visited from Lithuania. “She would tell us stories of her travels, the world of fashion, and photo shoots,” Treskow says.

Well, ever since then Treskow has been reeled in by photography and hot women, and now, in his own words, is all about “photographing beautiful women for a living.” You lucky, lucky bastard.

“I always look for a woman, a femme fatale, who is reckless, confident, sexy, and strong,” Treskow adds. “And she has to be having a lot of fun. She must enjoy herself.” Translation: if she’s naked, I am interested.

Check out some of Treskow’s photos thanks to his Instagram, and try not to get too jealous.

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h/t Maxim

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