10 Classic Celebrity Girls We Never Expected to Model for Playboy

Photo: via Playboy

We don’t ask for a lot in this world, so it goes without saying we’re more than pleased when some of our favorite classic celebrity girls model for Playboy, especially when we never expected it. While Playboy has become more of a place for beautiful, nameless women to find their way onto the computer screen, once upon a time it was where celebrity women shined in their prime, like when Sharon Stone gave us a little more Basic Instinct than we could handle or Farrah Fawcett showed us an angel can be a real demon in the sack.

While Playboy had dismissed nudity over the past year (although it’s back), it seems it’s getting a resurgence, which got us thinking about our favorite celebrity centerfolds across the years. Dating back to before some of us were even old enough to look up boobs on the internet, we have some of those hottest Playboy moments, the issues that made us question ever leaving the house again. From Olivia Munn to Drew Barrymore To Charlize Theron and more, without further adieu, we give you our least expected classic celebrity Playboy moments, spanning more than three decades of hot actresses, sexy models and timeless singers. A-freaking-men.

Classic Celebrity Girls We Never Expected to Model for Playboy

More Playboy where that came from: In Honor Of Playboy Cutting Nudity, We Pay Homage To Their Top 13 Covers Of All Time


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