Stars Want David Lynch To Return To ‘Twin Peaks’


It’s comforting to see that we aren’t the only ones distressed to find out that David Lynch has walked away from the new series of Twin Peaks.

On the 25th anniversary of its first episode, members of the cast of the iconic program have banded together to beg Lynch to return to the program, after he abandoned the project due to a dispute with Showtime over payment.

In a video originally posted to Shelly Johnson Madchen Amick‘s WhoSay page, cast members each take turns in describing Twin Peaks without David Lynch, using comparisons from the show itself and its characters.

First off is Laura Palmer herself – Sheryl Lee – who declares “Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like a girl without a secret.”

Other references to the show’s more interesting plot devices include Wendy Robie (complete with Nadine Hurley’s eye patch) stating that the show without Lynch would be like “drape runners without cotton balls”, while Catherine E. Coulson, who played the Log Lady, believes that Twin Peaks sans Lynch would be “like the log without bark.”

Showtime have also expressed hope that Lynch will return, saying, “We believed we were working towards solutions with David and his reps on the few remaining deal points.”

It’s a sentiment that we can all agree with – Twin Peaks without David Lynch would be like a pie without cherries.

The cast have put together a Facebook page for their cause. Please David, we’re begging you – come back to Twin Peaks.

Watch: Twin Peaks Without David Lynch Is Like…?