The Kansas City Royals Sweep Their Way Into The World Series

After a four-games-to-none sweep of the Baltimore Orioles, the Kansas City Royals have advanced to the World Series. Considered by itself, this is a great achievement. It always is. So, what makes this even more of a sweet victory for the Royals? 

It’s the first time in about thirty years that this is happening for the team. That’s right, they’ve been out of the running for nearly three decades. While that is up there in terms of post-season MLB droughts, it’s not the worst. The Chicago Cubs haven’t appeared in a World Series since 1945 and haven’t won a World Series since 1908.

Little bit of food for thought: 1908 and 1945 are two important years, with the former being the year that Ernest Rutherford, the father of nuclear physics, was awarded a Nobel prize, and the latter being the year that the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan to end World War II.

For the Cubs to ever be in, or win, another world series, is humanity going to have to make another breakthrough in nuclear chemistry or will the US have to end World War III with a nuclear attack? Jeez.

At least the Royals don’t have that going against them.