First Look: Superior Iron Man # 1

Good news, Marvel fans! The superheroes are likely to win the battle against Red Onslaught in Avengers & X-Men: Axis. There’s no way that Marvel is going to let the world be permanently overrun by a telepathic Nazi monster… unless it would sell more variant covers.

The bad news is that Tony Stark is kind of a dick again. Or maybe that’s good news too, since Stark be pretty funny as a dick.

During the issues of Axis that no one has read yet, the heroes and villains are going to get “inverted.” For Iron Man, that means that he’s once again a selfish, arrogant prick who has very few moral qualms about anything. And apparently Tony Stark will stay “inverted” for a while, since Marvel is launching Superior Iron Man around his new shift in personality.

Injustice: Gods Among Us digital comic writer Tom Taylor and artist Yildray Cinar are the creative team behind Superior Iron Man, which finds Tony Stark offering the general public in San Francisco a new version of the Extremis virus to transform into the “superior” version of themselves. But the Bay Area already has a superhero, and Daredevil isn’t going along with Stark’s plans…

Marvel has released a new preview of Superior Iron Man # 1 that shows off Cinar’s lush artwork… and it’s really impressive.

Superior Iron Man # 1 hits comic stores on Wednesday, November 12.


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