First Look: Savage Hulk # 3

Earlier this year, Marvel launched Savage Hulk as an anthology series where comic book creators could tell any Hulk story that they wanted without having to worry about tying it into the modern continuity of Marvel Now.

Legendary artist and writer Alan Davis went first with a story that teamed up the Hulk and the Uncanny X-Men from the Silver Age of comics as Professor X attempted to find a way to cure Bruce Banner of her monstrous alter ego. And as tends to happen in Hulk comics, things went south and now there’s a new Hulk in town… And it’s Jean Grey?

That’s right, the whole point of the story up to now was to get us a Gamma radiation powered Jean Grey. And we all know how well that Jean Grey handles absolute power. In these preview pages from Savage Hulk # 3, the Jean Hulk even shows off a fairly ludicrous new power because… comics!

At the very least. the pages by Davis and inker Mark Farmer look terrific.

Savage Hulk # 3 will be released on Wednesday, August 27.