Fear Not, Far Cry 4 Is “Packed to the Gills” With Women

Ubisoft has faced a bit of heat in the past for a lack of female representation in its games, but according to a recent interview posted by Outside Xbox, Far Cry 4 will have no such issues. At least, not in terms of its overall male-to-female ratio.

Related: Far Cry 4 Announced

While the protagonist of Far Cry 4 is indeed male, director Alex Hutchinson is assuring gamers that the in-game experience will be far more reflective of real life than past Ubisoft efforts.

[We’ve] tried very hard to make sure of the four main antagonists, half of them are women, which is cool. On your side, one of the main leaders of the rebel faction is a woman, half the rebels that fight with you are women. It’s packed to the gills with women. They’re everywhere, just like life.

Elsewhere in the interview, Hutchison confirmed that Far Cry 4‘s pasty antagonist Pagan Min is not, contrary to popular theories, the father of the player. He did note, however, that Min is indeed “someone who has a history with you.”

We didn’t want a villain who’s just shaking his fist at you and threatening to kill you and murder your family, and the inevitability of you shotgunning him in the face. And neither did we want someone who didn’t know you at all. We wanted you to actually sort of have a secret history in this country.

The entire interview can be found here for those interested. Otherwise, if you’re aching for more Far Cry 4 info, be sure to check out our hands-on with the game from this year’s E3. 


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