VIDEO: Redskins Haters Get TV Ad to Run During NBA Finals Game 3

When does Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder just give up on his ill-advised lost cause of preserving the Redskins name?

We've already hit critical mass on this, Dan.  No amount of community forums, well-meaning committees or downright bribes to angry Native American organizations is going to back them off their crusade to get the Redskins name stripped off the NFL franchise.

You can talk about legacy and honoring Indian cultures all you want.  But at the end of the day, the prolonged and unwavering campaign will either finally sway enough public opinion to their side or, more likely, just irritate the NFL so deeply that they pressure the stubborn Snyder to make the change.

The next step in that never-ending tidal wave of anti-Redskins backlash? A one-minute commercial airing during Tuesday night's halftime of the NBA Finals Game 3 between the Miami Heat and San Antonio Spurs.

As reported by Crave sports site NESN, the ad entitled "Proud to Be" was paid for by the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation and actually aired in the Miami area during Sunday's Game 2.  This time, the ad will be seen in seven markets, including Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, Sacramento, San Francisco and of course, Washington, D.C.

An extended version of the ad (posted above) was uploaded to YouTube back in January and has already garnered nearly 2 million views.

Seriously, Dan…the more you struggle, the worse it's gonna get.  And while it's tempting to be as stridently defiant as the Native American ancestors you say you're honoring with the Redskins name, it's ultimately going to hurt you in the place you least want to be hurt: your checkbook.

Our guess: Snyder relents once the NFL finally gets sick of this and secretly offers to pay all or part of the estimated $10-$15 million it'll cost to change the Redskins name

The team's worth $2 billion, Dan, Redskins name or not.  Just cut the check, get every Madison Avenue creative team working on your new mascot and let's just move on, already….