Infinity #5: A Work of Staggering Excellence


There is a slow-building hierarchy of comic book writers that are stepping into the realm of becoming legends. These aren’t just writers, but scribes who will go into the history books as those who changed the world of comic books. In twenty years, when new writers are stepping up, they will list these writers as their inspirations. Scott Snyder, Dan Slott, and Ed Brubaker are three of those legends, as is Infinity scribe Jonathan Hickman. What he’s done with Avengers, New Avengers and the Infinity series is nothing short of astonishing.

Infinity #5 is a turning point for the entire series, after Thor slaughtered a Builder, allowing the planet Hala to reclaim itself from tyranny. From there, all the planets begin to revolt against the Builders and the war starts turning. Hickman broadens his idea of the Avengers as something bigger than just a superhero team. As each new world falls, they raise a flag proclaiming themselves an Avengers planet. Captain America is uneasy with it, but does not try to stem the tide. It looks as though the final pieces of the Builders war are done.

Celebrations for heroes are short. Just as one war ends, Captain America and those who fought by his side are told of the fall of Earth. Jump to our home world, where Thanos and the Black Order have assaulted Earth in hopes of destroying it and finding Thanos’ son, whom he aims to kill. Turns out the child of the purple star killer has spent his entire life as a healer, desperately attempting to thwart his father’s shadow. Now, after Black Bolt’s Terrigen bomb reveals his power of death, Thane has been captured, and Thanos rejoices in the idea of killing him. The Black Order have figured out how to use the world bomb, which is being activated to destroy Earth.

Hickman writes with a dedication to the idea that comic book readers are intelligent and want well-written, layered stories. The sheer quality of Infinity, issue after issue, is beyond impressive. Hickman is a gifted storyteller, and issue #5 is a clear example of just how good he is. Everything that he’s been laying down since Avengers and New Avengers #1, he ties together in this issue. Not only do his plot lines coalesce, but he also writes action scenes that make you cheer. Hulk smashing a Builder, the final shot of Captain America and his troops heading towards Earth to save it – they strike right at the core of why people love comic books.

Tackling this epic journey are artists Jerome Opeña and Dustin Weaver. There is nothing I can say that will sum up how glorious the pencils are here. The Hulk scene is perfect, it captures both the power and action of the icon. Opeña and Weaver have an incredible way with faces, the lighter sketch strokes add detail but don’t remove the weight of the scenes. Panel after panel, Opeña and Weaver hand us works of art. Nothing but the absolute best could bring to life Hickman’s words, and that is what he’s been given.

Infinity is a work of staggering excellence. Jonathan Hickman is absolutely one of the best writers in comics, not just now, but ever.



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