funny photos 1-8-18

Today’s Funny Photos 1-8-18

Monday may not be everyone’s favorite day of the week…

Sorry, that’s all we had. Monday is terrible.

But, if you were to look on the bright side, you could easily make a case for daily hilarious internet photos making the first day of the workweek slightly more tolerable. It’s a stretch for sure, but the case could technically be made. I mean, just look at all this evidence we have to back such a claim up!

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Today’s Funny Photos 1-8-18

funny photos 1-8-18 funny photos 1-8-18 funny photos 1-8-18 funny photos 1-8-18

Now that’s a turnt up turtle: Here’s A Sea Turtle Trapped In $53 Million Worth Of Cocaine

You can’t tell us not to laugh. In fact, we’re going to do it even more on Page 2.